As you all may already know from the glimpse of my profile, I am currently in college. Well, of course I had a hot topic last year about the economy, and now this crisis has hit closer than I realized.
I attended the State of the University Address program yesterday for my school, and to hear what the university's president was saying about the budget slightly saddened me. He mentioned more budget cuts for the future and that leads me to question the longevity of the university's academic programs.
While I am concerned about the budget of my school, I still have hope that brighter financial days will return and the rest will be history. I did some research concerning the budget of other universities in Florida, only to find out that they are experiencing similar financial woes, if not the exact same.
My heart's desire is that every struggling university survives because education is freedom, and it is imperative that the gift of education keeps on giving. If circumstances became so terrible that the percentage of layoffs increased, there would not be enough educators on board to equip the next generation.
I would love it if my current university is still around for the next generations to come, so that my future children and grand children can have it in their option of educational institutions to attend.
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