Monday, December 14, 2009

*Life is Full of Surprises*

You know, in the flamboyant ride of life, we encounter many surprises. Some occurrences surprise us because they are disappointing; while other occurrences suprise us simply because they are exciting and come as great news.

The most important part is not "what" surprises us in life, but "how" we handle and or cope with the matter that caught us by surprise. If it is a terrible matter, should we allow it to hold us back? Or how about this: If it is something great, should we allow it to make us arrogant and jump ahead of ourselves?

Bad occurrences: For the record, NEVER allow bad occurrences in life get you down. Why? Well simply because if you allow lifes rough surprises to get you down, it could overall hold you back from real joy, spiritual success, academic achievement, financial success, real relationships, desired freedom, and the list goes on.

Thus meaning that a simple problem that is focused on for entirely too long, could overall stunt a persons growth of success. So...even if it seems there is no one else there to up-hold you and encourage you, it's ok; always have the ability to encourage yourself. Hey, David encouraged himself back in the Biblical times; why can't you right.

Tips on staying encouraged:

1)Read your Bible and pray.

2)Purchase some index cards and write scriptures and your own positive words to yourself on them. If you want to even write your name on the card with a message (In example: "Carrie, hang in there, you are going to make it") then do just that. Basically write words that get your attention; make it personal, and place these encouragement index cards on your refrigerator, mirrors, and where ever you could see them everyday. I do this, and it works like a charm for any day that I may need a little boost.

3)Surround yourself with positive people.


5)Smile! Even when you feel like crying, still smile; and guess what, you will find out that it's pretty hard to smile and be sad at the same time.

6)Have a plan to hang in there; refuse to throw in the towel, and keep reminding yourself of that!

7)Always celebrate you! Always speak positive about your life! Always expect to make it! Love who you are! Be confident!

8)Finally, I will share with you my personal made-up motto, "Allow happiness to be your lifestyle, and not just a temporary emotion."

Good occurrences: Concerning good things that happen in our lives, one of the most important things is to react by giving thanks and rejoicing. However, keep in mind that arrogance has the potential to catch a person off guard, and if we allow ourselves to become filled with pride, the same horse that lifted us up and carried us to the land of luxury, can also throw us off. Be careful, stay humble. We can still be all things great, and remain HUMBLE. Yes, it is possible!


  1. Surrounding yourself with positive people is so important. It's okay to know negative people. Those are the ones you pray for. But don't keep them around constantly. They just bring you down as well. That includes family. Just pray for family memebers that don't bring the good with them. Don't let them constantly affect your life in a negative way. You be positive towards them when you see/talk to them and maybe your positive will be so great at to over shadow their negative maybe you can change the equation. Your positive plus their negative will equal a POSITIVE.

  2. That is so true. You are absolutely right.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is Great Ranata....Keep writing Baby Sister. Even if the comments don't flow as you would wish for them to. Keep in mind that people are still reading your post and feeling good about themselves now. Also, keep in mind that alot of people may not feel strong about their ability of writing to make daily post in personal blogs. But , just know that they are still reading, and that you are still touching lives. I love you baby sis...your big sis Neatra
